Showing posts with label thursday night unwind. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thursday night unwind. Show all posts

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Thursday Night Unwind

Such a long week, or so it seems. So I'm glad to announce that it is Thursday night once again! And with every Thursday we have another installment of our Thursday Night Unwind. This is a great opportunity for all of you to experience musicians and bands that you may not have known of before this post. Granted this could cause you to max out the space available on your iPods, but oh well!

Tonight I'm sharing a rather unique band called Caribou. Unfortunately, I'm not gifted at being able to accurately describe music, so you're just going to have to push play on the video below. It's a song of theirs called Odessa.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Thursday Night Unwind

 Tonight we have arrived.

We have arrived at another wonderful Thursday night! Which means we have made it through the marathon of the work week and are simply 1 measly shift away from freedom from "the man" or "the customer". Even better is the fact that my last shift before freedom is only 4 hours long.

So that makes me in a good mood. and when I'm in a good mood, I like to grove. My ultimate groove music is by Bitter:Sweet. The music is very big band and jazzy mixed with some smooth electronics to make a really fun genre of music that I have no idea what it's called. If you know, please share. The first song up for tonight is called The Mating Game (if you like it continue past the jump for more two videos!):


Thursday, January 19, 2012

Thursday Night Unwind

Hooray! I've made it to another Thursday! And the best part? I have Friday off! Unfortunately this means I'm working Saturday and Sunday, but at least I get to enjoy a Friday for once! This week I wanted to share with you some great music (as usual), but this band is really REALLY good! 

They are called Balkan Beat Box. It's kind of hip hoppy, sorta rasta, a bit belly dancing music... Oh just click play and LISTEN! 

This one is called War Again:

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Thursday Night Unwind

Hello all! We've made it to yet another Thursday! This means we are all just one step closer to getting to that wonderful time called the weekend. To help you all feel the calm that the weekend can bring (that is if you plan on chilling all weekend long), I decided to introduce you to a band called Boards of Canada.

They are pretty hard for me to describe other than experimental electronic music that is pretty chill sounding. But seriously, when I need to chill out and find my zen or my center, this band does it for me.

First song up for tonight is Dawn Chorus.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Thursday Night Unwind

This is Florence and the Machine. This is the one artist I obsessed over for the entire 2011 year. And guess what, I can obsess over her music for 2012 as well since she just came out with a new album called Ceremonials. The song above is from her first album called Lungs. This particular song is called You've Got The Love. I love it because anytime I'm frustrated or angry at life I listen to that and realize no matter what, I can make it through this because I'm surrounded by love. So I thought since we are about to head into a new year I'd share this song first to hopefully help inspire you to look for the love in your life.

Now, if you are interested in more of her music, read on after the jump and you'll be taken to 2 more music videos!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas Wind Up!

Since Christmas is literally around the corner, I thought it'd be nice to do the Thursday Night Unwind featuring Christmas music! My favorite tunes of course. And no, they aren't your traditional Christmas songs because that's not how I roll! I'm really excited for Christmas to be over so I can share with you all the homemade gifts I made this year. However, since most of my friends and family view my blog it would ruin the surprise for them if I posted it now. So you'll need to be patient! On to the Christmas music!

Let's start out with some Charlie Brown music.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Thursday Night Unwind

We have made it to another Thursday! And not to mention we are getting closer and closer to Christmas! I actually took tomorrow off so I have more of a weekend to finish up some Christmas presents. So I'm spending my evening watching some Doctor Who, and drinking a dirty martini. By the way, making a dirty martini is super simple. here, check out this video if you feel like indulging:

Yum! But onto the music now that you've got your drinks (or are dreaming of one). Tonight I'm going to share a new indulgence with you. A band I recently stumble across called iron & Wine. They are pretty chill, so they go great with a martini. First up is their song called  Boy with a Coin:

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Thursday Night Unwind

Oh yes! We've made it to Thursday again! And as usual I have an action packed weekend planned. First on the list is after work. I'm going to a bar with some coworkers called The Lazy Oaf Cafe. I've never been there before, so it should be a good time. After that I'm going to the Crossroads Coffee House to see a friend's dad's band play. Then of course there will be some crafting and good food as well throughout the weekend. good times indeed. First step is to get through tomorrow at work... actually, that's the 2nd thing. First thing is to get to sleep tonight. So I think it's time to unwind! Up for tonight is a band that isn't as good recorded as they are live. Cause lets face it, you don't like The Flaming Lips because they have an amazing singer... you like them because they put on an AMAZING live show!

The first time I heard of the Flaming Lips, I was at a live concert thrown by Southern Comfort. I was there for the band that came on before them, so I was already up front & center. Then the band I went to see got off the stage and the Flaming Lips started. I was gonna walk away... but I'm soooooooooooo glad I didn't!

First up we have their song called the Yeah Yeah Yeah song... live (of course) :) Enjoy!!!!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tuesday Night Unwind

So tonight I have to get to bed early so I can work a day shift tomorrow, which in turn is giving me a full 5 days off of work! Lots of crafting shall happen, along with some good food! But first step is winding down from work so I can survive tomorrow! Tonight I decided to showcase music by The Knife. Super interesting music group from Sweden (no worries, their music is in English!).

First off will be the song that got me hooked on them. I give you, Bird:

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thursday Night Unwind

And we are here at another Thursday! It's been a long week and I am excited to be done with tomorrow and get on with the weekend! Some exciting things are in the works.
First of all at midnight tonight I find out if my zipper face costume placed in the contest. I also entered my t-shirt scarf into another contest on that site so we'll see how that goes. I am working on some great tutorials for some Christmas decorations, and also I'm creating my first knitting pattern. Once it's perfected it'll be posted! 
But enough about what's going on with me. You are here tonight for some exposure to some good tunes. Now I know I didn't do a Thursday Night unwind last week so guess what... you're gonna get a double whammy! (yay). Tonight I'm showcasing videos from Phantogram & The Hundred in the Hands. We are going to alternate back and forth. First off we have The Hundred & The Hands with Pigeons:
good stuff huh? I love this music video! Next will be one by Phantogram. This one is called Mouthful of Diamonds.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Thursday Night Unwind on a Friday Morning!

Before I get to the music of Portishead and why I'm doing this on a Friday morning, I need to share a bit of news... 
I am entered into a contest on Instructables and need your help! I need you to vote for my zipper face costume!  
So I didn't have to work last night, and as a result I ended up going out to the bar with a few coworkers. This bar was pretty EPIC! It's called Le Tigre and the entire thing is filled with tigers!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Thursday Night Unwind

And here we are at another Thursday night. Another great thing... I only have a half day tomorrow (yay!). So I can get the rest of my pirate costume finished (yes, there will be photos!). However, that costume isn't going to worn until next weekend for the pirate party I'm going to. So that leaves me in a conundrum for this weekend's costume.
But enough about me... time for some cheeeeeeeese... So today I was in a really good & goofy kind of mood and in honor of that... tonight is Richard Cheese night. If you don't know who Richard Cheese is, you need to know who he is... because he is Fa-bu-lous!!!
Here is here cover of Radiohead's creep:

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Thursday Night Unwind, sorta...

So I don't work tomorrow! And thus there really isn't a point to an unwind since it really doesn't matter when I go to bed. Also, as I started writing this I have had 666 visitors to my page. Spooky.... Some updates... I am still washing my face with the oil cleanser and LOVE it. I'm even getting complemented on my skin lately. I never, ever, have been complemented on that. I decided after more research and finding a helpful forum, to retry the "no poo" thing. That's no shampoo, and yes, I still poo. I found out that I was washing my hair to much, which was giving my hair a really waxy feel. So I retried it yesterday. I switched up my recipe too, which I'll share in a week if it works. I'm on day 2 now. I washed my hair yesterday and just rinsed it with water today. I have to say, I'm a bit happier with the results so far. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it works.

But enough about all that. Time for some tunes! Tonight I'm going to showcase 3 videos by an artist named Gotye. I'm completely in love with his music. Here, this is the song that got me HOOKED. I give you, Somebody That I Used To Know:

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wednesday Night Unwind???

Yup, that's right, Wednesday Night Unwind! I have to work a day shift tomorrow so I have enough time to get off of work & get ready to go see...
I'm soooooooo pumped! But before I go off on a rant about how great Primus is, let's give you all some updates on some of my other projects.

First up I've been trying some natural ways to wash my hair & face. I've been doing the no poo thing almost a week, and guess what... I HATE IT... My hair has never felt more disgusting. I think my next thing to try with my hair will be some homemade herbal shampoo... but I'm done with the baking soda and the apple cider vinegar. Major props to those of you that have figured out the trick to not make your hair feel like wax, but I just can't live with it. 
On the other hand though I've been washing my face everyday with the oil washing method and I must say that I do LOVE IT!!! :) Well at least something good came out of the first trials! I will be trying more natural remedies, but first... I need to wash my hair!

Click here to go to the post about Natural Remedies
Now onto tonight's music. And you probably guessed what band I'm showcasing tonight... PRIMUS!
First lets start out with a song I really hope the play tomorrow night. Over The Electric Grapevine

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Thursday Night Unwind

Here we are at another Thursday. Friday is just a dream away! As always, I've got another exciting weekend planned. I've got one of my friend's 30th birthday party to go! And at some point I really hope to finish sewing my pirate costume. All I have left to do is my shirt and I'm totally procrastinating on it.

Also, today I tried 3 different home beauty product recipes. I made my own baking soda shampoo & apple cider vinegar conditioner. Then I decided to also try washing my face with oil. The shampoo and conditioner left my hair a tad greasy after day 1 (I'm told this is normal for the first 2 weeks). The oil thing BLEW MY MIND AWAY!!!! My skin is soooooooo soft. and my pores on my nose that I can NEVER get clean... practically spotless! I'll keep you updated on how my little experiment is going after a week goes by.

Now on to tonight's music selection! I thought I'd introduce one of my latest musical obsessions as of late. The Devil Makes Three!The are a 3 person acoustic bluegrass band. I absolutly LOVE their lyrics and the sound of them. Just push play and you'll understand!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Thursday Night Unwind

So work an odd shift on Thursdays. I work from 12:30pm until 9:00pm then i have to turn around and be into work and ready to go at 8:00am. At least tomorrow is half day so I only have to be there till noon (yay!) and then afterward is a trip to the beloved Ale Asylum here in Madison, WI for lunch... and a beer. Really good beer at that. My personal favorite is the one called Happy Ending (a Belgian abbey).
But enough about tomorrow, we need to focus on the here and now. Like that fact that I need to go to bed and I'm too wired to do so. So I like to unwind with some good tunes from time to time and a glass of wine (I'm really not a lush, but this post really isn't helping to prove that fact).
First up... a video! This is a group called The Head and the Heart. if you haven't heard of them I'd suggest pushing the play button on the video... cause they rock.
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