Sunday, January 6, 2013

Exciting News!

Hello everyone! It has been a while since I've written, and for that I apologize. You see, I've been in a rut lately. I've come to that point in my life where I'm sick of how sluggish and tired I feel all the time. I'm unhealthy and it is effecting my ability to create. So I'm finally taking the time to focus on making myself a better me!

What does that mean for this blog? Simply that it is being put on hold to focus on this with full steam. But you see, I'm inviting you to take this journey with me if you like... or at least follow along to my progress. I still may post from time to time on Bona Fide Boho, but for now my regular posting will be done on my new blog... The Clean Loser

Go check it out and find out more! I look forward to your visits!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Recipe: Chickpea & Kale Noodle Soup

Mmmmm... soup. It is one of my favorite things in life. Give me a big bowl of brothy soup any day! Now that we are getting close to those cooler days of fall, you may be seeing a lot more soup recipes in the near future.

This particular recipe I found on Pinterest (completly addicted to that site. If you're on it, follow me!

Follow Me on Pinterest

Anyways, back to the recipe, I was searching around on Pinterest for a good soup that is easy and cheap to make. I stumbled upon this sweet recipe for Chickpea Noodle Soup over at Fresh365. It sounded delicious but I had a few initial concerns that I felt I needed to adjust for my tastes. That is the recipe I'm sharing with you, but please check out the original! Besides being an awesome blog, it has waaaaaaaaaaay better photos! I have yet to master the art of taking photos of food. I mean, I can do nice photos of things with and SLR (seeeeeee... here's my proof!) It's just digital SLR's take $$$... and I'm saving for a house. Got to have priorities! (and room for all my projects)

Monday, August 20, 2012

Recipe: BLT Salad... in a Jar!

You may have seen this idea on other websites, even on Pinterest, but seriously... this is the BEST idea ever! 

Picture this... it's lunch time and you brought a salad to enjoy on your lunch break. Only to find out some idiot used the salad dressing you put in the fridge or even worse... you decided to add the dressing to your salad and it's SOGGY! Noooooooooooo!!!!!!

The solution... put it in a jar!

This seem like one of those solutions that should of been easy to figure out on your own. But lets face it, you saw it for the first time on here or some other website and went "duh!".

Now, salad in a jar is super simple to do and you can do it with ay type of salad os long as you follow this basic principle.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Knitting Pattern: Pocket Scarf

I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!!!!! Did you miss me?

Sorry I was away for so long, but summer is here and in Wisconsin that means you take FULL advantage of the warm temperatures & sunshine since in the winter all you can do is hibernate. Which is how this blog got started. I know it's not quite hibernating time yet, but I wrote a new pattern and just had to share it with all of you!

This pattern is 100% easy peasy. And it's for a scarf... with pockets!

So to get started you'll need:
2 colors of contrasting yarn Worsted/10ply (the amount of yarn depend on how long you want the scarf. One skein of one color will be enough for the pockets, you'll want at least 2 skeins for the body of the scarf)
1 set of knitting needles 8 or 9 gauge will be fine
A needle to weave in ends & sew up pockets

What you need to know: (click on the stich you need to know to be taken to the video)
Long Tail Cast On
How to Knit & Purl Continental Style or How to Knit & Purl English Style
The Basic Bind Off
How to add another ball of yarn
Blanket Stitch (to sew the pocket)
Knit 2 Together (K2Tog)
Yarn Over (YO)

Now you've got your supplies and you've got your how to videos in case you get stuck. Now you need the pattern!

Monday, March 26, 2012

DIY: Simple Double Necklace

This is a super easy and basic jewelery project that any beginner can do. All the supplies you can find pre-made at the store. (I found every thing at Michales)

What you need:
1 18 inch chain (the chain I got already came with a clasp on it)
1 24 inch chain (this chain didn't come with a clasp)
2 pendants that go together. I chose a bird and a tree.
A pair of Needle Nose Pliers

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

DIY: FIshtail Braided Bracelet

I love to wear hemp jewelry in the spring and summer. It mixes well with metal and looks great with almost anything. Plus, it's easy to work with.

What You'll Need:
Hemp (ribbon, yarn, or rope would work well too)
A button (optional)

Monday, March 12, 2012

DIY Wine Cork Necklace

I have an over abundance of wine corks in my house. Because of this over abundance I am always trying to find new ways to use wine corks.

What You'll Need:
Wine Cork
an 'Eye" screw
a small finishing nail
wire (I used copper)
a chain
needle nose pliers 
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