
Friday, February 10, 2012

Recipe: Feel Better Soup

As some of you may have noticed, I haven't been posting too much in the past few days. I am currently battling an epic cold. I've been down for the count for 3 days now, unable to breathe out of my nose. However, today I have some energy & desire to share with you all how I've been managing these past few days. So I'm sharing with you my recipe for a soup that will guarantee to open up those nasal passages!

This recipe makes two servings, so put it in a big tupperware container so you can munch on it as you feel like.

You'll Need:
3 cups of chicken broth
1 jalapeno sliced
handful of bean sprouts
sliced green onions
rice noodles
1 1/2 lb. ground turkey or chicken
soy sauce
onion seasoning or garlic

First you are going to want to make your turkey meatballs. I made mine a few days earlier and froze them so they were ready to be used when I wanted them.

Making them is really easy. Just mix the ground turkey or chicken with 1 tbls soy sauce and add some onion seasoning. If you don't have any you can also use some garlic.

This is the onion seasoning I used. I didn't measure how much I used, I just add a decent amount. I'm sick. Gimme a break!

Now that you've got your meatballs ready, you're ready to start your soup! Heat up your 3 cups of broth. You can used pre-made or make your own. I use this stuff.

Once your broth has started to boil you can add your sliced jalapeno. Keep in mind the more slices you add the spicier your broth will be. I used a whole jalapeno... this was super spicy, but just what I wanted!

Also you can now add your meatballs. Add however many you want.

Continue to boil until the meatballs float.

Once the meatballs are floating you can prepare your dish by adding in some rice noodles. THe rice noodles I got come separated into individual servings, so I used 2.

Then you can add the chopped green onions.

Then a handful of bean sprouts.

Then pour your broth and meatball mixture over it and let it sit for about 5 minutes. This will cool down the broth and cook your noodles. Eat and enjoy the ability to breathe!

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