
Saturday, November 19, 2011


If you are a follower of my blog, then you can see there have been a few changes around here. I decided it was time give my blog a more personal flair.  I also decided that since my posts are growing that I should make it easier for you to enjoy the blog! So let's go over some of the changes shall we?

First off, as you can see right away, we have a different "look" to the blog now. New color scheme and backgrounds (yay)! Not one of the bigger changes, but I'm proud of it.

Next we have a new feature, the buttons that you see going across the top of the page. I'll be sorting my blog posts into these categories, and for easy searching you can click on the button to go to that type of post. On that page will be just a picture of whatever the post is about with a link taking you to the post. So you only have to enjoy what you want to enjoy!

Also up in the buttons I have made a place to put links for all sorts of websites and blogs that I've found useful or inspirational. so please go and check them out sometime! Also up there is now is a small feature about me in case anyone wants to know who is behind all this.

Over on the right hand side I now have a button that you can snag and put on your own blog or sites in case you like what you read and want to share it with others.

Other than that, I just tried to simplify everthing so you can enjoy your time on here. Thanks for reading!!!!

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